The contents of this website have been compiled with the greatest possible
care. However, I assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness and
timeliness of the content provided. The use of the contents of this website
is at the user’s own risk. Contributions marked by name reflect the opinion
of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. The
mere use of the provider’s website does not constitute a contractual
relationship between the user and the provider.
The presentation of this website in external frames is only permitted with
written permission.
The German and English texts on this page are from me. If there are any errors on the site, unusual formulations or other things, please write to me. I am interested in presenting the contents in a high quality and therefore I am very grateful for any corrections and hints. If you help to improve the site, you can find a mention in the amendment protocol. If desired, leave a (nick)name that I can mention in the version details. Many thanks in advance!
This website and its contents were created by me personally with my own means, so not differently described. All photos / graphics / texts / other contents, which do not originate from myself, are marked as quotations and / or named with source.
Links are marked by underlining:
Links of definitions and internal contents only lead to pages that lay in my range of influence. Should a term be defined by an external page, e. g. Wikipedia, it will be marked as an external link.
If a link is marked as internal, but does not refer to my website, then this is an error. Please let me know so that I can correct it.
The use of my contents outside of this web page is permitted only under denomination of the source. Quotations have to be marked as such under naming of the source.
I intentionally refrain from using dynamic contents on my website, whenever this is possible. Except for loading fonts and graphics, there are no JavaScript, cookies or comparareable technologies on the homepage. You can find out more in the privacy section.
Strictly speaking, there is not a single line written in JavaScript on this page. Everything is based on (partly) modern web standards: HTML and CSS in interaction as Responsive Web Design.
This means that the available space is used well and displayed as well as possible on the respective device. On a smartphone, the page is just a narrow strip of text over the large images. On a tablet, these parts are next to each other. And on a computer, there are colored areas on the left and right edges, as long as there’s enough room. For details about the supported and distinguishable devices, see the change log for the current version. These can be found as a version counter at the bottom, which also takes you to the version archive.
Unless otherwise stated, all content was created without advertising or financial support and made available to you online. I run this site as a hobby and out of private interest. The only advertising you will find on my site is the one that refers to my own projects / hobbies / activities.
Here you will find links to the pages with all information about the use of the website, questions about data protection and privacy, as well as the identification of content. If you still miss something at this point or on the associated pages, please let me know. :-)